My campaign to stop the ugliness!
Well, I haven't writtn in awhile, we've been on vacation.....but I felt it was time for an update.....
"Ciao!" from the beautiful shores of southern Spain. Here I am again with a new intense desire to have Speedos outlawed.
Hubby and I were recently visiting family in Spain, and if Hubby needed a reason to wear his awful Speedo he got it here. It seems to be almost expected that the men on the beach here barely cover themselves. They all wear Speedos!
I seriously am considering starting a fund to help stop the destruction of beautiful beaches with the terrible sight of mammals in Speedos.
The Reasons:
1.) Pot Guts.
Seriously……why would a man (or anyone) who looks like they are 9 months pregnant think they are attractive in a tiny bathing suit?
The answer to this question is allusive. Men with pot guts, including Hubby, should realize that a Speedo is not there best choice.
It mucks up the scenery.
2.) Jelly Bellies.
Everyone has seen a jelly belly being exposed when it shouldn’t be and it’s even worse a top a Speedo. Jiggling and shaking, it’s frightening, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t look away.
It’s almost like watching a train wreck that you can’t stop.
3.) Big Butts.
When one is trying to tan on the beach, there is nothing quite like a man with a huge behind, wrapped in a skin tight Speedo standing above you.
Ugh, the torture of it all, rolls popping out everywhere. Things the size of the side of a building should be covered completely and leave most of it to the imagination!
This could cause a heart attack.
4.) Tiny Privates.
This one is hard to know whether to feel sorry for the person or disgusted at the fact that you can see everything.
Really….I prefer to not have the serenity of the beach interrupted by my own laughing.
The quiet is threatened by loud outbursts.
5.) Huge Privates.
I am by no means a prude and enjoy the site of a well put together man but I don’t want to feel as if I am being attacked by sea snakes on the beach.
If you have to tuck ‘things’ in on a regular basis….you shouldn’t be wearing it.
People can’t watch the waves if they are already queasy.
I will update all of you when I start the ‘outlaw Speedos’ foundation and I hope you will join the cause.
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